Gene documentation
Storybook Providers


StorybookProviders provides commonly used containers for many modules, including:

  • Service clients
  • Router
  • Translation
  • Tracking
  • App context

Generating StorybookProviders

To use StorybookProviders, generate it with the following nx command:

nx g @brainly-gene/tools:e2e-providers

Then import it in your Storybook file:

import { StorybookProviders } from '@acme/e2e-testing-providers';

You do not need to create these containers individually, but you can pass specific options to customize some of them. The available options for StorybookProviders include:

Available Options


This option allows you to modify routing properties, such as changing the current question for a module.

    query: {
      id: '680975',


The app context container includes default state values located in libs/e2e-testing-providers/src/lib/ioc/contextContainer.ts. To add or override values in the app state, pass an object with the desired values.

    dateFormat: 'd/m/Y',


To modify state logic in response to actions, you can create and pass a custom reducer. Define your reducer first:

const someReducer = (state: AppStoreType, action: ActionType) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'myAction': {
      return {
        myValue: state.myValue + 1,
      return state;

Then, pass the reducer as a prop:

<StorybookProviders appContextReducer={someReducer}></StorybookProviders>

Use these options to tailor StorybookProviders for your specific Storybook needs.