Gene documentation
E2E tests

E2E Test Documentation

Each module can have its own E2E (End-to-End) test app. You can create E2E tests for your module, which will run against the module's Storybook. These tests use Cucumber Gherkin (opens in a new tab) syntax to describe features, allowing you to structure and implement test cases effectively.

After a module is generated, an initial E2E app is also created with a sample test that opens Storybook and loads the module:

Feature: MyModule

  Scenario: Display MyModule
    Given I visit MyModule storybook
    Then I see MyModule is displayed

Cypress Test Implementation

Here’s an example of the Cypress test implementation:

import { Given, Then } from 'cypress-cucumber-preprocessor/steps';
Given('I visit MyModule storybook', () => {
Then('I see MyModule is displayed', () => {

This setup provides a solid foundation to expand with additional E2E test scenarios for your module.

Running the Tests

You can run the tests using the following NX command:

$ nx run my-module-e2e:e2e

Mocking API Requests

If your module performs API requests, you need to enable MockServiceWorker in the module's Storybook to simulate these requests.

To do so, add the following configuration in the <module>/.storybook/preview.js file:

import { workerPath } from '../../../../../../.storybook/preview'; // Adjust the path based on the module's location
import { initialize } from 'msw-storybook-addon';
  serviceWorker: {
    url: workerPath,
export { decorators, parameters } from '../../../../../../.storybook/preview';

Defining Mock Handlers

Define the request mocks within the module's story. Here’s an example setup:

const handlers = {
  myGraphqlMutation: [
    graphql.mutation('myGraphqlMutation', (req, res, ctx) => {
      return res({
          myGraphqlData: {
            validationErrors: null,
  authorize: ['/api/authorize', (_, res, ctx) => {
      return res(ctx.json({ success: true }));
storiesOf('MyModule', module)
    msw: {
  .add('core - default view', () => <MyModule />);

For more information on MockServiceWorker, refer to the MSW Storybook Addon documentation (opens in a new tab).